Ohashi.US Domain Name Resource

Ohashi.US Domain Name Resource

Introduction to Domain Name Reselling

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So you've heard about the dot com bubble and how people made millions of dollars hardly lifting a finger? Perhaps you want a piece of that pie. I am here to tell you those days are dead, over, long gone. The market, players and money have all changed. The cost of registering a domain name have gone down significantly but the gems are long gone. Even the mediocre names all seem to be taken. So where does that leave someone new to the market and how should they behave today?

The article I am writing is based on my personal experience. No one strategy is going to work for everyone, I hope to help newcomers to the industry avoid some of the most common pitfalls and perhaps save a few dollars. First off, who am I? My name is Kevin Ohashi, I am not one of these people who started way back in the early 90's and picked up fantastic domain names and make huge profit holding them. I actually only got involved in this industry around 2002 when I lost my domain name and had to figure out how to capture it back when it expired. So from a personal quest to reclaim my own domain name I learned about how the industry operates and noticed that there were still opportunities to make money in it.

Registering Domain Names
The first thing people are often tempted to do is buy a domain name once they hear about the opportunities to make money. STOP. Let common sense kick in for a moment, if it really were that simple wouldn't it already have been done? I know there are some clever people ahead of the markets, but everyone and their dog has heard about dotcom's and all the opportunities to make money from them. One thing to bear in mind is that investing in domain names isn't something new anymore and the money isn't going to fall from the sky into your pocket.

Now, assuming that you have not spent your life savings on buying domain names, let's take a look at the actual registration process.

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